Saturday, June 1, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Blog: Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

One example I had this week of microaggression was when I made a comment in a meeting and my boss repeated what I said and said you have to do the head and neck rolling to know exactly what I said. Meaning, black women make comments the expressions of rolling there eyes , head and neck in an attitudinal method. I have noticed this before with another black female at the job and was very much offended by this. Realizing the type of person she is after working there for almost a year, I was not as offended this time as I was the first time she did it with a coworker.  I believe she is quite aware of what she is doing but feels we don’t realize it.  It is hurtful to see that people in this day in time still harbor prejudices against other races.

This week has enlightened me on microaggresssions and I have really been more aware and more cautious of the things I allow to come out of my mouth.  I don’t want to offend anybody in any way and want to always be aware of how words can hurt.  I also have noticed things that have probably been said around me all along that are microaggressions.  I now realize what they are and have brought these things to the attention of others.


  1. Hi Seletha,
    It's nice to know that there is a word for that uncomfortable feeling we get when people make inappropriate comments about race, gender, religion, and disabilities. I do agree that I'm not so sure that people aren't aware of how they are behaving. I think they just don't care how they're making the other people feel. You're right, words can hurt. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story. It is so hard as black female in a professional setting without being subjected to racial comments that really do hurt. How do you plan to handle this in the future, since the words are hurtful?
