Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog Assignment: Creating Affirming Environments

Anti-Bias Education

In my childcare center, I would like to create a setting where any child can walk into the setting and feel like they belong.  I want them all to see parts of themselves in my school.  "Relationships and interactions with children and families, the visual and material environment, and the daily curriculum all come together to create the anti-bias learning community" (Derman-Sparks, L. & Edwards, J. 2010). 

I want to begin by having pictures of all races and genders in professional roles pictured all over the classroom.  I want to show people of diversity with their achievements including the arts, drama, sports, entertainment, education, law, medical and hospitality.  I would have books that were authored by people of diversity and include those in the curriculum. 

I want to include both male and female doctors, male and female teachers, male and female construction workers, policemen and women, firemen and women, of different races to show that they can be whatever they desire to be. 

I enjoyed reading about the Family Child Care Home where children are allowed to ask questions about their different skin colors and even the differences in their hair.  This helps the children to learn not only about themselves but about others.  They are allowed to see the differences not as one being better than the other but just different. 

I also would like to incorporate traditions from each family into the curriculum. I want to use this to help others learn about families and also to bring the families in as a connection to the others to help with diversity and anti-bias.  I believe the more each family knows about the other the less judgmental they will be.  "In stereotyping, images and information not only treat all members of a group as the same, but also dehumanizes people through exaggeration, caricature, and inaccurate overgeneralizations" (Derman-Sparks & Edward, 2010).

Derman-Sparks, L. & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and
Ourselves. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young


  1. Seletha,
    I enjoyed reading about your plans for your family child care home. I believe by doing things and having the many illustrations of diversity, that it will allow the families you service to feel important. Thanks again for sharing and the best of luck to you!!

  2. I love all of the different concepts that you touched on in your description I think its great that you included male and females in different gender stereotypical jobs. I think that it is so important for children to understand that they are included in the environment. They also should understand that all children can accomplish their goals and live up to whatever dreams they have.
