Saturday, July 27, 2013


This week we focused on how we perceive others and took quizzes on our communication skills, verbal, listening and aggresiveness. I found myself in the group that is very empathetic towards others and that I take the time to listen and not dominate the conversation. But in the assessments given by friends and colleagues, my listening skills are not as high as I supposed. According to the results of the tests, I can use a little more focus in listening and I seem to sometimes dominate the conversation as opposed to listen. Also, it seems sometimes that I am more aggressive in speaking and less so in listening. All feel that I am very empathetic towards others and their feelings but that I could take more time to listen to them before speaking. I learned about perceptions and how people often perceive people much as they see themselves be it positive or negative. I also learned that our past experiences or personal schemas also have a lot to do with how we perceive or evaluate people. I do believe I have to learn more communication skills in order to be a great educator. I must be able to take the time to listen without interrupting or rushing to get to the next thought or activity.  As educators or even as adults, we cannot continue to make assumptions about people, their heritage or personalities. Before we come to any conclusion about a person, we must take the time to get to know that person and find out more about him or her before making any assumptions, stereotypes or perceptions.


  1. Seletha,
    I have to admit that I did not know that communication was so complicated and that there are skills that we all have to learn until I enrolled in this class. I realize that there are many of my communication skills that are in need of improvement. Also, self evaluation is helpful periodically.

  2. Seletha,
    Before this course I did not see the importance of effective communication but from the lessons and this week's evaluations I am able to see the true importance of communicating. Do you feel as if you have grown since learning the results of the ? Thanks again for sharing your post.


  3. Seletha,
    I think it is great that we get the opportunity to understand how others may see us and our communication skills. It allows us the chance to make changes and grow as communicators. It sounds as though you may have learned some things from this exercise and I am sure you will work to make the changes you see necessary!

  4. Seletha,
    great insights, I thing through this I realized I come to assumptions often without realizing it. This is an ongoing work in progress for a life time. Thank you for your post.
